Mechanical Bull Party Rentals
Below is a list of cities and counties we service and the area minimum service fee. Delivery rentals minimum range from $400-1,200 dollars, depending on the location and date. Depending on the city location for the service, we can offer the Mechanical Bull Service for up to 6 hours for the same price.
Importat Please Read:
For some city locations for the Mechanical Bull service, we can offer the same quoted price for up to 6 hours of bull rental service. We still charge the same price if you only want the service between 1 hour and 6 hours because we have a minimum price fee for each city.
This pricing is an estimate for renting the Mechanical Bull. Other factors may cause the rental cost to increase as every event is unique. However, this list will give you an idea of the base costs for your needs.
City/County Location
Average Price
Hours of Service
Sacramento County
Bay Areas
San Francisco
Santa Clara County
Alameda County
Contra Costa County
Napa County
All surrounding cities
Fresno County
Stanislaus County
Merced County
All surrounding cities
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
1-6 Hours for the Same Price
Full Day Rental
Full Day Rental
Full Day Rental
When you are ready for a formal quote, please call or text to(209) 354-7374, and we will be in touch promptly.
To request a quote, we will need the full address of the party and date to check for availability.